Preventive Dentistry


Our Cleanings Are Green

Advanced Dental Concepts purchases The Preserve Toothbrush and the Preserve Jr. to give to our patients after each cleaning. The handles are made from 100% recycled plastic, including Stonyfield Farm*yogurt cups and can be sent back to Recycline with a postage paid label we will print for you. It will then be RE-recycled into plastic decking.

An ounce of prevention really is worth a pound of cure.

Recently, several studies have found a startling link between heart disease and gum (periodontal) disease. Heart disease is the number one killer of American women, and periodontal disease may be present in up to 75% of Americans over the age of 30.

As chairside detectives, our team of dental hygienists are doing their part to save hearts everyday. Early detection and effective treatment by our hygienists, followed by the proper course of care, can reduce or even eliminate the risk.

Common symptoms of gum disease include:

  • Red, swollen, or bleeding gums
  • Loose or separating teeth
  • Chronic bad breath

If you or someone you love is experiencing the symptoms of periodontal disease, call and schedule an appointment. Your heart is worth an ounce of periodontal therapy.

We recommend our patients visit us a least twice a year for professional cleanings, periodontal exams and oral cancer screenings. Our hygienists will design a homecare plan for you and you will leave the office with the tools and the motivation you will need to maintain a healthy smile.

As a convenience to our patients, many of the products we recommend are also available for our patients to purchase.

All of us tend to negate this eventuality when we are young, but the truth is, unless you commit to ongoing preventive dentistry - professional dental hygiene, quality care as needed, and a proper at home care routine - the loss of your teeth is as inevitable as aging.

At Armstrong Advanced Dental Concepts, we have an entire department staffed to keep your teeth and gum tissue healthy for life.