Carestream Dental Solutions

We know how important your time is—and that’s why we’re committed to providing convenient, yet superior, dental services for you and your family. As part of this commitment, we have recently incorporated a new restoration solution into our practice to place crowns within only one appointment, eliminating the need for multiple visits and improving your overall treatment program.

With CS Solutions, we can perform every aspect of the restoration process—from scanning your dental impression and designing your restoration to milling the crown and placing it—onsite. Because of this, we no longer have to send the impression to the dental lab for design or milling. This means no more temporary dental work, as your crown will be placed in the same visit..

CS Solutions is comprised of a number of products, which include:

  • CS 9000 3D or CS 9300— using a 3D imaging system, we can scan the mold of your teeth to create an accurate 3D model that is later used to design your new crown.
  • CS 3500— we create a 3D scan of your teeth—eliminating the need for uncomfortable dental impressions and wax bites. We then send this 3D data to the computer-assisted design (CAD) software to design your crown and send it to a milling unit or lab for manufacture.
  • CS Restore— featuring advanced algorithms, this CAD restoration software allows us to use your digital impression in order to create natural and functional single-tooth restorations, quickly and easily.
  • CS 3000— the CS 3000 is a computer-assisted manufacturing (CAM) machine that allows us to fabricate your crown right in the office while you wait—so you can have your crown placed the very same day. Because the unit can create a crown within 15 minutes, the need for temporary dental work is eliminated.

Patient Benefits

  • One-appointment restorations - we can scan, design, and mill crowns without the need for multiple appointments
  • High resolution images: we can scan your teeth or conventional impression with unsurpassed detail, allowing for more accurate design and milling
  • Improved care: we can perform a wider range of services without sending work off to the lab for design